Hardware Show Wars
In the Hardware/Hardlines Industry (hammers and screwdrivers and such) there has been a war brewing between The American hardware Manufacturers Association and Reed Exhibitions.
Round 1 of the Hardware Show Wars is over. The AHMA Show in Chicago in its present form is dead. It will take a total remake to have anyone consider spending the money to attend the Chicago Show in 2005. Even the food concessions were closed in 2004.
The Reed Hardware Show in Las Vegas had more exhibitors, more attendees and open food concessions. The show had plenty of problems including a confused new products area. Lawn and Garden and Home Decorating dominated. There were lots of Red badges even if some were on people other than buyers. Whether or not this show will be good for the traditional hardware/tool people remains to be seen. Venues like the Homebuilder Show, World of Concrete and others currently look like better options to me as they get the manufacturer closer to the end consumer.
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