Hit the mute button
The older I get the more I am starting to realize that there is more to life than work.
Reflection is incredibly important in trying to make sense out of what we do and why. It is also important in undersanding who we are. For too long, I have been a human doing instead of a human being. I have been succesful in separating my weekends from my work (for the most part), but I go into a different doing mode that is focused on the house and yard. Slowly and with difficulty, I am trying to set aside 50 to 20 minutes a day for meditation. Sometimes it is in the form of just sitting quietly. Other times it is in the form of a walk. Still other times, I a blessed with access to a labyrinth nearby to walk. These times are when I hit the mute button on doing and just exist. These times and early in the morning are the times of inspiration for me. I gain insights into problems and steps to move toward solutions. I frequently gain from muting the outside world, but something in me fights against the "waste of time" of just being. It is a battle between my internal, trained monkey, worker constantly having to do something and the reflective being within that provides real wisdom.
It is my intention to frequently mute the voice on this blog and be a human being rather than a human doing. Don't think I have quit, but rather that I am out getting my bateries charged.
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