Taking Aim at Hardlines: BusinessWeek online Depot Story

Monday, March 06, 2006

BusinessWeek online Depot Story

Wow! Incredible story dated March 6th at BusinessWeek online about Home Depot and Bob Nardeli's efforts to militarize the organization. This control freak is pushing for even greater control than previously. If you remember, it wasn't long after he took over that the power of the regional offices shifted to corporate in Atlanta.

My personal opinion is that this signals the beginning of the decline of Depot. It won't happen overnight. In fact I am certain that it will take a number of years to see the change in our rear view mirrors. No one ever stays on top forever and Depot had to come down someday. The truth is Home Depot grew and flourished on entrepreneurialism. As the company grew, it became increasingly difficult to control. Nardeli's need for control will eventually strangle the organization.


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