Taking Aim at Hardlines: Little Big Box from the Ocala Star Banner

Monday, June 21, 2004

Little Big Box from the Ocala Star Banner

There is an interesting article entitled "Little Big Box" in the Ocala Star Banner.
It is the story of an independent competing against the big boxes.
This is the kind of story we need more of to help other independents summon the resolve to find a way to compete.


At 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having retired from the consumer hardlines industry and seeing many small hardware retailers expand and excell in the face of the "big boxes," it has always impressed me that those who desire to do well and stay in the game will gind a way. The retail hardware industry dates back to before our country was a country. Hardware retailers will be around (much like this nursery retailer) for many, many years to come.


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