Taking Aim at Hardlines: How Big Is Your Boat?

Friday, May 19, 2006

How Big Is Your Boat?

Recently, I have been struck by the differences that exist between companies in our industry. We have some huge players who by their very size make it easier for them to ride out storms in the marketplace. A friend of mine used to refer to large companies as battle ships and that while they could ride out storms with relative ease, it was very difficult to turn these ships around. Their maneuverability is severly limited. We have companies like this in our industry and it is sad in a way to see all that potential sitting broadside to the changes taking place in this industry.

On the other hand, it is great to see the small, agile upstarts that offer so much hope for the future. Let's hope and pray that many will survive the storms and show us the way to the future in our rapidly changing marketplace.


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